

Badoo liker

made-with-python Code style: black Docker pulls EO principles respected here License

This program allows user to set schedule liker for badoo dating service (

It uses python and selenium (pom) to emulate user behaviour.




Table of contents




Please use official docker vyahello/badoo-like image and docker-compose setup for common usage.

docker run --rm vyahello/badoo-liker:2.2.3

It uses zalenium so you can check whatโ€™s going on in the browser via http://localhost:4444/grid/admin/live endpoint.

To get latest setup.yaml config file, please start the command below:

docker run --rm vyahello/badoo-liker:2.2.3 get-setup > setup.yaml

Please make sure grid-url is set to http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

To get latest docker-compose.yaml config file, please start command below:

docker run --rm vyahello/badoo-liker:2.2.3 get-compose > docker-compose.yaml

Please use docker-compose.yaml file to run badoo liker script in docker with:

docker-compose up <service> # run some service e.g 'help' or 'single-scheduler'
docker compose up -d <service>  # run in background
docker logs <service>  # see recent logs
docker compose down  # shutdown badoo runner

For instance, below is a sample of execution via docker-compose:

docker-compose up single-scheduler

Creating network "badoo-liker_default" with the default driver
Creating selenium-hub ... done
Creating badoo-liker_chrome-node_1 ... done
Creating badoo-scheduler           ... done
Attaching to badoo-scheduler
badoo-scheduler | Still waiting for the Grid ...
badoo-scheduler | Still waiting for the Grid ...
badoo-scheduler | [2019-10-13 14:37:06 INFO] Operating 15 badoo like attempts, in progress ...
badoo-scheduler | [2019-10-13 14:38:21 INFO] 15 badoo like attempts were successfully completed, please check your messages!
badoo-scheduler exited with code 0

You can run infinite scheduler with command below:

docker-compose up infinite-scheduler

Please follow docker-selenium instructions.

Source code

Before execution please configure badoo config setup file template-setup.yaml.

Please make sure grid-url is set to http://localhost:9515

For local execution you have to download chromedriver (as we support Chrome only for now) & run it from the cli:


We use selenium-grid to make it compatible with different OS/browsers (in future).

Then just run script from the root directory of the project:

python --help
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG]

This program allows to run badoo liker service.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Setup badoo config file (e.g `setup.yaml`)

Youโ€™ll get next output:

[2019-10-07 22:11:39 INFO] Operating 25 badoo like attempts, in progress ...
[2019-10-07 22:13:11 INFO] 25 badoo like attempts were successfully completed, please check your messages!

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To be able to run script on schedule basis please configure shell script with corresponding pre-setup configuration values in it.

./ -h

This script provides badoo executor scheduler. Delay is set to "1800" seconds between run.

Please use next commands:

  - 'counted-executor' to run executor certain amount of time e.g '100'
  - 'infinite-executor' to run executor infinite period of time (it will run until script is crashed)
  - 'infinite-executor-background' to run executor infinitely in a background. 
     Logs will be saved in 'logs.txt' file automatically

Please see 'logs.txt' file for additional logs info.

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Development notes

Docker build

There are two docker images to maintain execution via docker:

  1. Base image

Base image contains all core required packages/dependencies for fresh code install. To build and push image please use command below:

docker build --no-cache -t vyahello/badoo-liker-base:<new version here> -f Dockerfile.base . && \
docker push vyahello/badoo-liker-base:<new version here>
  1. Main image

This image is aimed to run badoo-liker from docker. To build and push image please use the command below ( may be some `0.1.0` version):

docker build --no-cache -t vyahello/badoo-liker:<new version here> . && \
docker push vyahello/badoo-liker:<new version here>


Please execute the next command from the root directory of a project:



  1. Clone the repository
  2. Configure git for the first time after cloning with your name and email
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt to install all project dependencies
  4. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to install all development project dependencies
  5. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  6. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  7. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  8. Create a new Pull Request